So here I am hanging out with some great photographers at Lightpro with my little red camera. We r taking pictures of some models and I can’t finure out why my images are not coming out like the others around me. Someone approaches me and asks what my camera settings are and I respond with auto! What the hell Gretchen can u look and act any more amateur? So then I begin listening to the photographers around me and they start babbling about ISO, shutter speed, aperture, what the hell were they talking about?😬
All French to me!! After that I studied what this triangle was all about and can say my camera has never seen auto again and I know what these people are talking about, yes!!!
BTW that little red Nikon didn’t last long after I realized I really couldn’t do much with it, bye bye!!🤪😂
It is no longer called the dreaded triangle but the exposure triangle.
Aperture is depth of field
shutter speed is motion
iso is noise